'Mouse Rays in 3D 
'J. Eric Coleman   
Public Sub MouseGetRay() 
'Purpose: This sub will take screen coordinates of your mouse and extend a ray 
'         untill it hits the X,Y plane, (where Z = 0).  You can modify this  
'         to check for collision detection with objects in your scene. Just follow  
'         the ray from the begining to the end and do your collision detection. 
'         A word of caution: This function uses the near and far clippling planes 
'         that you define in your projection matrix.  Do NOT define a near clipping 
'         plane of 0.  That will cause all kinds of nasty divide by zero errors all 
'         throughout directx, not just here.  Setting the near clipping plane to 1 is good. 
Dim dx As Single, dy As Single 
Dim pi3 As Single 
pi3 = 3.1415926 / 3     'this is the aspect ratio that I use,  
				'replace this with what you use. 
Dim width As Single, height As Single 
width = g_mode.lWidth       'get the current width and height of our screen mode. 
height = g_mode.lHeight 
'Fancy math that you probably wouldn't understand anyway 
dx = Tan(pi3 * 0.5) * (g_x / (width * 0.5) - 1#) * 1.333333          '1.333 is the aspect ratio 
dy = Tan(pi3 * 0.5) * (1# - g_y / (height * 0.5)) 
Dim p1 As d3dvector4 
Dim p2 As d3dvector4 
Dim p3 As D3DVECTOR 
p1.X = dx * g_Near    'g_near is the Near clipping plane 
p1.Y = dy * g_Near 
p1.Z = g_Near 
p1.w = 1 
p2.X = dx * g_Far     'g_far is the Far clipping plane 
p2.Y = dy * g_Far 
p2.Z = g_Far 
p2.w = 1 
Dim Iv As D3DMATRIX   'this variable will be the inverted matrix 
InverseMatrix Iv, g_ViewMatrix 
p1 = vM(p1, Iv)   'vM is vector times matrix, see other article for this code. 
p2 = vM(p2, Iv) 
'That's it.  Everything that follows is code that I  use to intersect the (x,y) plane. 
'With the two points p1 and p2, you have your ray extending out from your mouse passing 
'through the near and far clipping planes that you set up. 
'## Optional ##' 
p3.X = p2.X - p1.X 
p3.Y = p2.Y - p1.Y 
p3.Z = p2.Z - p1.Z 
If p3.Z = 0 Then                     
    g_vectorCursor.X = g_vectUp.X 
    g_vectorCursor.Y = g_vectUp.Y 
    g_vectorCursor.Z = g_vectUp.Z 
    g_vectorCursor.X = p1.X + (-p1.Z / p3.Z) * p3.X 
    g_vectorCursor.Y = p1.Y + (-p1.Z / p3.Z) * p3.Y 
    g_vectorCursor.Z = p1.Z + (-p1.Z / p3.Z) * p3.Z 
End If 
'## End of Optional ##' 
End Sub
